i love you


i love you

In the most wonderful month I’ll be there

with my 3 love..

clouds..expression of coldness..rain

In the most precious moment on earth I’ll be there

thinking of my love..

the only one

my God

In the moment of creation of my 3 love


 let my soul be a soul of single cloud ,

A soul that’s rains tears of feared of you my dearest God

In that moment I’ll feel the joy

Happiness of being one of your guests

A guest who still doesn’t know why she is invited?

hosting you for me is things  which is over my imagination


In that moment of closeness to you

I hope of a chance to just give you a tender kiss

A blessing of you is more than I wish

No.. A forgiveness is more than I wish

Nor of these wishes are my reasons of my journey to you

The only reason is just that I love you

shatha6 dec 2007 " i love you:the road to Haj"

2 Responses to “i love you”

  1. كم هي تعبيرات عظيمة ! كم هو قلم مُبدع صادق ! كم هي مُفردات ترتقي بفكر الانسان وتوجهه لأن يكون معبودا بوصف أمير المؤمنينلا خوفا من نارك ولا طمعا في جنتك وإنما وجدتك أهلا للعبادة فعبدتُك . سيدتي شكرا لروحك الطاهرةاخيك المُخلص .

  2. شكرا لذوقك الكريم يا اخي العزيز ..و نحن هنا لأرواحكم كما هي لأرواحنا

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